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Steve Rogers / Captain America




Date of Birth:

Portrayed by:



July 4th, 1918

Chris Evans


United States Army

United Service Organizations


Howling Commandos


United States Department of the Treasury


Brooklyn Support Group



Captain America: The first Avenger, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man (post-credits scene), Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man: Homecoming (cameo), Avengers: Infinity War, Captain Marvel (mid-credit scene), Avengers: Endgame

Tv series:

Agent Carter (flashback)

Steve became envious of his good friend Bucky Barnes getting enlisted into the military, and being rejected multiple times, the physical weakling Steve Rogers made one extra attempt at joining the men in the fight for their country within the dark days of World War II. Steve's determination to fight bullies no matter how big they were compared to him grabbed the attention of the scientist Dr. Abraham Erkskine, and he picked the ideal young man for the Army's new Super-Soldier program that was under his supervision.


Even though Steve learned of Dr. Erskine's disastrous previous attempts to make a super soldier, like the German's so-called "Red Skull," he was brave and went through with the process and successfully emerged from the experiment as a new man. With a very powerful new body, extreme speed and reflexes, Steve now faced his first challenge when he was forced to chase an assassin that killed Dr. Erskine right after the experiment. During this he also learn how involved Hydra was, the Nazi science division, within the doctor's murder.

The Army moved quickly in order to create a fairly colorful, star-spangled persona for Steve Rogers who they called "Captain America," and decided to put him on a tour in order to sell war bonds. Steve felt that he wasn't much help not being in the action for his country, so he jumped at the chance to get involved in the real fighting when he recieved some news about his friend Bucky's army division was captured, so he rushed to rescue the soldiers. Upon the completion of the unplanned last minute mission, and a brief meeting with the Red Skull himself, Steve was determined with his path as a one man fighting force.


As being Captain America, Steve now carries a near enough indestructible shield that has been made out of a rare material that is found in Wakanda, a metal known as Vibranium. The shield was designed and crafted by the genius inventor Howard Stark during the War, the shield is designed to be perfectly a perfectly balanced instrument that is capable of withstanding extreme stress and damage, while also being able to be thrown as an offensive weapon that can rebound back to it's owner. Steve maintains the shield like a constant companion after it had been recovered from the wreckage of the Red Skull's airplane, as it has now become a symbol of strength to everyone who recognises Captain America as the country's defender.

Steve is also capable with the use of firearms, even though he rarely carries or uses firearms in the modern times. His famous Captain America suit and helmet has been updated several times since back in the 1940s, which offers him some protection when he is up against his enemies.


The first enemy of Steve was Johann Schmidt, who was a German scientist and a wartime leader of their Nazi science division, also known as HydraSchmidt ended up becoming known as Red Skull after a failed attempt of using Dr. Erskine's super-soldier serum that turned his features into a crimson, skull-like enemy. He had an extreme obsession of obtaining extreme power which led him to try and gain the possession of the Tesseract, which contained emmense power that was out of this world. Red Skull had met his match up against Captain America. Steve dogged Red Skull throughout the war up until the point where Red Skull was beaten in his own aircraft above the North Atlantic.

A scientist that was under the Red Skull's command, Arnim Zola, who managed to get away and survive the war by apparently allying with Hydra's enemies, S.H.I.E.L.D., but in actual fact, he kept the dream and vision of Hydra alive during it all. When his death was approaching, Zola, had transferred his consciousness into a S.H.I.E.L.D. computer in order to continue to be a threat to Captain America in the present.

All while Steve is having other enemies in his life including Loki the Asgardian God of Mischief, Georges Batroc who is a mercenary and martial artist and Brock Rumlow who is a weapons deal and also known as Crossbones.

Steve has also come face to face to the Mad Titan Thanos, doing all he can to stop Thanos in his goal to wipe out half of all life throughout the universe.

Steve's attitude and his positivity has attracted a small group of people into his inner circle of friends. His longest friend is James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, who met Rogers in his old neighborhood in New York and formed a close friendship. Even though Bucky was enlisted in the Army and Steve had his career as Captain America during the war, the 2 were able to find each other in order to have a united solid form to battle against the Axis. When Bucky apparently fell to his death, Steve felt as though his brother was taken away from him.


Even though his time spent with Peggy Carter was much shorter than his friendship with Bucky, Steve's feelings towards Peggy had started to blossom into a romance before he sacrificed himself and crashed Red Skull's ship into the Atlantic. Steve and Peggy were reunited during the present day, but Peggy had aged a lot and her health was weakening which stopped them from continuing from where they had left off. Steve still stayed in contact with Peggy until she passed away due to natural causes and looks forward to a possible future relationship with Sharon Carter, who was Peggy's niece and she was also a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent, also known as Agent 13.


Steve and Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, had formed a good friendship while being in the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. together, which isn't very common for Natasha. Even though Steve has his moments of not trusting Natasha's decisions and her trying to push him to fully embrace the world he now lives in, there is an underlying understanding that exists between the 2.


Steve has now formed a new bond with Sam Wilson, who also becomes known as The Falcon, who has shown an immense loyalty to Steve. On the other hand Steve's relationship with Tony Stark, who is also know as Iron Man, remains as a difficult subject as they both fight for the same cause but have a completely different view of the world from the other.


After being able to finally join the fight during World War II in order to rescue some captured troops, one of which was his old friend Bucky, Captain America then quickly earned the respect and admiration from not just the soldiers he was fighting alongside, but also Peggy Carterwho was a British secret agent that was an expert on Hydra. She also served as Dr. Erskine's assistant on the Super-Soldier program. After several battles oversea, Steve, Bucky and the Howling Commandos staged an assault on a train that was carrying Hydra personnel, during this attack Bucky sadly fell off and apparently died. While Steve mourned over the loss of his friend, he stilled continued to fight against Hydra, while also getting closer to Peggy.


Steve took a flight straight towards the Red Skull when he had led an invasion into the villian's base in an attempt to break the hold on the war Hydra had. Steve was able to successfully board Red Skull's aircraft while it took off to launch an attack at the Unites States. But, when the powerful Tesseract energy source was the cause of the Red Skull's doom, Steve found himself with only one option and that was to purposely crash the aircraft in order to stop it's pre-programmed flight to America. While Peggy listened through a radio communications with the aircraft, Steve took the aircraft down into the icy North Atlantic waters and supposedly to his death.

But in actual fact, Steve had entered a state of suspended animation due to the crash, he was a man frozen in time, and was recovered in the present day by the agency S.H.I.E.L.D., the successor to Peggy's Strategic Scientific Reserve. When Steve had awakened, he learned about where he was and had begun a new journey within the modern world.


Near enough instantly upon awakening, Steve was offered a position in Nick Fury's Avengers Initiative and had his place among other heroes, which included Iron ManThorBlack WidowHawkeye and the Hulk. The group first came together as a team to battle Thor's brother Loki. But on their initial teamwork was marred by internal strife, chiefly between Rogers and Tony Stark, who is the son of Steve's old wartime companion, Howard Stark. The team finally came together properly after their colleague Phil Coulson apparently died at the hands of Loki.

During the fight in New York that was between the Avengers and Loki and his alien forces, Captain America took charge to be their natural leader by coming up with an on the spot plan in order to contain the fight to a certain area within the city in order to protect the innocent civilians that are trying to escape. Loki was eventually defeated. When the Avengers parted ways for the time being, the group now have a mutual respect for each other, as well as a desire to keep the team intact in case they were needing for bigger threats yet to come. 

After being recorded for a bunch of Public Service Announcements on several subjects for high school students, Steve continued to adjust to the modern times and created a new strong friendship with Natasha and a USAF operative named Sam Wilson. Steve has been spending a lot of his time assisting S.H.I.E.L.D. in the field.


Natasha and Sam was by Steve's side helping him when it was revealed that Hydra have been in amongst S.H.I.E.L.D. FOR A LONG TIME AND Steve was on the run after an attempt to being silenced. Steve found an extra ally that could help him, Sharon Carter, who was an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that he later discovered that she is in fact Peggy Carter's great niece. During this time, Steve also found out that his old friend, Bucky Barnes, that he thought had perished was in actual fact alive, but he was different, he became a brainwashed sleeper agent and assassin for Hydra and was named the Winter Soldier. While trying to stop Hydra's "Project Insight" program, Steve and Bucky battled, and Steve tries to get his old friend to remember who he really was and eventually he seemed to of succeeded, hinted when Bucky had saved Steve's life from drowning, but unfortunately he vanished.

While re-teaming with the Avengers to take out some remaining Hydra cells brought Steve into contact with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff who were enhanced siblings, as the Avengers retrieved the powerful staff that belonged to Loki that he had used in order to try and conquer the Earth. After Tony Stark and Bruce Banner used the staff in order to create a free-thinking Artificial Intellegence named Ultron, but this ended in Ultron turning against humanity, Steve took Tony to talk about the situation, only to set off a big disagreement between the 2 of them. The Avengers, who is now joined by Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, who faced off Ultron in a small nation called Sokovia. Even though they defeated Ultron, they sadly failed to prevent the loss of Pietro that sacrificed himself in order to save Hawkeye, or prevent the devastation of Sokovian people and their community.


While leading the new Avengers lineup, Steve Rogers has continued his work to keep fighting criminals around the world. But, after several innocent civilians die during a confrontation between Steve and his enemy, Brock Rumlow, which set off a chain reaction that resulted in a United Nations-Backed program named the Sakovia Accords, which will be used to control the actions of super humans and other heroes of Earth. Steve and Tony had very opposite opinions on the matter. Steve is extremely against the Accords whereas Tony agrees with the Accords, this led to the Avengers and various other heroes to taking sides within the conflict. Behind the scenes of this event, Steve was also dealing with the loss of the now elderly Peggy Carter and was reunited with Sharon Carter, who helped him once again, while they started to take small steps towards romance. 


While these events were going on, Bucky was also resurfaced after an extremely lethal bomb that had been set off at the United Nation gathering over the Accords and then Bucky had been framed for this tragic event. The victims of the tragedy included Wakanda's king, T'Chaka, who was leading his son, Prince T'Challa, who is also known as the Black Panther, to seek revenge against Bucky. But, the tensions that were between Steve and his friends and former teammates ended up turning physical, with T'Challa fighting on Tony's team, ast Steve tried to protect Bucky while also trying to find the true culprit.


There was a brief truce between Steve and Tony when they both figured out who was actually behind the bombing, which was Helmut Zemo, a Sokovian who lost his family due to the battle between the Avengers and Ultron. But, the cituation had esculated when Tony, this was a part of Zemo's plan to destroy the Avengers, learned that it was Bucky that had killed his parents several years ago and that Steve had kept this terrible and tragic information from him. In a bitter fight between Iron Man and Captain America, Steve managed to eventually over power Tony and was able to walk away from the Avengers completley, leaving his shield behind. However, he had sent Tony a message not long after the event, it was explaining his regrets over what happened and letting Tony know that he will be there for him should the need arise, leaving Tony a phone that he is able to use to contact him.
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After Steve had broke out the heroes that had fought alongside him during Civil War, that had been imprisoned as a result, Steve had accompanied Bucky to Wakanda, the technologically advanced nation, in order to get aid from T'Challa, who also learned about Bucky's innocence of causing his father's death. T'Challa agreed to help his former foes, informing Steve it will be fairly far from easy for anyone that might learn of Bucky's presence in Wakanda and attempt to attack him there.


Over the next 2 years, Steve was on the run, while keeping in close contact with other fellow fugitives Natasha RomanoffSam Wilson and Wanda Maximoff. Steve finally came out of hiding when Bruce Banner had used the phone, that Steve had given to Tony Stark at the end of Civil War, to inform Steve of the upcoming threat of Thanos, who was, at the time, searching for Vision's mind stone. In Scotland, Steve, Natasha and Sam arrived just in time to help Wanda and Vision fight off 2 children of Thanos.


When they briefly return to the Avengers HQ in upstate New York, Steve refused to accept the offer given by Vision to have the mind stone destroyed knowing it would lead to Vision's death. When Bruce suggests a way that they could maybe remove the stone without sacrificing Vision's life, Steve once more asked for help from T'Challa and the advanced science of Wakanda.


In Wakanda, Steve and many more fellow Avengers and allies, this includes Bucky, join forces with T'Challa and all his people in order to fight an army full of Thanos's followers, in a hope to hold them off long enough for Shuri to remove the mind stone from Vision's head in order to destroy it safely. But, despite their valiant effort, Thanos was able to gain the possession of the mind stone, by ripping it out of Vision's head, which leaves Vision lifeless. Now that he has all 6 Infinity StonesThanos snaps his fingers  and wiped out half of all life throughout the universe in one big swoop. Steve helplessly watched many of those around them, which included Bucky and other close friends, turn to dust before his eyes, which was then known as the decimation. 

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