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Who has bought the Avengers Tower?

Just a heads up, this post contains spoilers for Spider-Man: Far From Home.

So today I will be going through details on who could have bought the Avengers Tower and my opinion on who it could be and where it could take the MCU next. All sources will be found at the bottom.

During Spider-Man: Far From Home, the Avengers Tower had a redesign, but who could this redesign be for?

This building has became a significant landmark in New York for the Marvel Cinematic Universe over the previous years. The Tower was originally built by Tony Stark, it was originally known as Stark Tower until the end of the first Avengers film in 2012 where it was then known as the Avengers Tower. This is because the tower has only had a big glowing "A" ever since.

But, after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Avengers moved their headquarters to upstate New York. This then led Tony to selling the Avengers Tower to a buyer, that we don't exactly know who they are yet, in Spider-Man: Homecoming. This has left a lot of fans wondering who could of bought the tower ever since, but hopefully we will find out soon.

Spider-Man swings past and through the redesigned building at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, which gives the viewers a small look at what the building has now become. The main noticeable change is that there is a gaping hole in the centre. This is obviously a design and not a result of a battle in New York. This gap is used as a lounge/garden area for the building, which gives it a more modern and high tech feel towards it. Apart from that, there doesn't seem to be a clear functionality of this hole, apart from giving Spider-Man the ability to swing through the building.

This complete new look gives the tower a new stand out look more than it did before, but Spider-Man: Far From Home doesn't show us who could be inside the building or what company has been branded on it. But, there are 2 current theories of who could of bought this building.

The first theory is that the new owner of the Avengers Tower that makes the most sense is Norman Osborn. up until this point in time, all of the set up for someone moving into this building has been through the Spider-Man movies, so it makes a lot of sense that this could be connected to Spider-Man and be revealed in a later Spider-Man movie. This theory also makes a lot of sense with the current timeline, as the 2nd option wouldn't of been considered when Spider-Man: Homecoming was being filmed due to rights issues. Taking this into consideration, there isn't really any other Sony-owned characters who could fit into this for someone who could want to buy the Avengers Tower.

One of the other big questions that supports this theory is raised in Spider-Man: Far From Home and that is who will step up as the next Iron Man. The movie lands Spider-Man into filling that gap, but it is more likely that at this stage that this could come to fruition as him being the face of the MCU for a while instead of being the biggest in-world hero, tech-mogul and the leader of the Avengers. But instead, it would be extremely in line with Normal Osborn's character to try and take this position for himself, at least for the public eye that is. Him obtaining the Avengers Tower and having it changed to the Oscorp Tower would be a fairly clear sign that he is there to stay and wants every single person to know it. Also, his business ensures that he would have the money to afford such a lavish and remarkable remodel.

The big difference would be that Norman and Oscorp would give the MCU the ability to have a reversal of Iron Man and the Avengers Tower. Instead of a giant building being a home for the world's largest hero, it would, behind the scenes in secret, be the home to possibly the MCU's next big time villian. And if the time comes, it would also serve as a base for a big major super villian team instead of the Avengers. Norman Osborn could one day be in a position to lead the Dark Avengers, the Thunderbolts or even the Sinister Six, so being able to operate in the same building as the Original Avengers team did would be quite the irony.

But on the other side of things, however, the constant teases by the Sony Spider-Man movies also leave some uncertainty that Oscorp has taken over the building. After all, if they really know that that is the case, they could include that kind of information in amongst the packed mid-credit scene from Spider-Man: Far From Home? This could be because the Avengers Tower is in actual fact going to become the Baxter Building instead of being the Oscorp Tower. This could explain all the vague teases that the MCU has done so far, while also giving Marvel a chance to have the very long waited confirmation about the Fantastic Four being on their way into a Disney and Marvel Studios production, and not one where Sony would get all the profits.

Beyond the business side of things, the Baxter Buildings is a clear alternative for the Avengers Tower. Just like how if Normal took over the building would secure a very high up role for him in the future, this would also be true for the Fantastic Four. Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Women, the Human Torch and The Thing taking over the Avengers Tower would show that they would be the new centrepiece of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It isn't evident if the Avengers are even still a thing, so having a new super group that would always be living in New York would make sense, and this is without considering the comic precedence for the Fantastic Four operating out of the state.

Also, this would make the Marvel's First Family be able to have easy access to having crossovers. Other heroes like Doctor Strange and Spider-Man being only a few blocks away from the Fantastic Four, and since New York has been the main location for some significant events in the MCU, they could be needed for keeping the city safe and protected. The odd part about the Fantastic Four having the Tower as their new home is the flashy design. The big hole in the centre seems to be out of their style, as they would seem to be more practical with the design in order to have a lot more space for labs, research and a lot more. Keeping that in mind, it could also have a more important purpose than just a quick teaser in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

For now it is too early to know exactly who could of bought the tower, whether that be Norman Osborn or the Fantastic Four, but hopefully we don't have to wait too long to find out.

I believe that it is most likely to be Norman Osborn as he would have the money to afford the building and he would see it as a better business expense for him, where as for the Fantastic Four it would be better for them to be somewhere either a little more discrete or somewhere not in the centre of the city, similar to the Avengers HQ. I have a theory coming soon about how the Fantastic Four could obtain their powers coming soon which I believe supports the idea that they won't be the ones that have bought the Avengers Tower. I will give a little hint, I believe it has something to do with the city seen in the Quantum Realm.

The source of these details were found on screenrant but it has my personal opinion mixed in with them. Hope you enjoyed and if you want to see more feel free to sign up to stay tuned.

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